McElrea wins Indy NXT Laguna race 1, Rasmussen title all but won

McElrea wins Indy NXT Laguna race 1, Rasmussen title all but won

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McElrea wins Indy NXT Laguna race 1, Rasmussen title all but won

Hunter McElrea secured pole position and maintained a strong lead in the race, while Christian Rasmussen closely followed in second place. McElrea extended his lead to almost 5 seconds before Rasmussen started reducing the gap. Meanwhile, Danial Frost held a comfortable position, with Victor Franzoni and Kyffin Simpson battling for fourth place. At the halfway point, McElrea’s lead was 6.8 seconds before a caution was issued due to an incident involving Jacob Abel and Louis Foster. The race resumed, but further incidents involving Kiko Porto and Francesco Pizzi brought out additional cautions. McElrea continued to dominate the race, but the final laps were cut short due to a collision between Nolan Siegel and Jamie Chadwick. Although McElrea’s victory keeps him in contention, Rasmussen remains in the lead with a 51-point advantage.

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